Fantasia Reviews Bad Author Behavior

Sorry folks, this isn’t a review, though one should be up later. Today we are going to talk about something that we feared, but had yet to actually see, a vindictive author. We will not mention this author by name here. However, while they can do nothing to harm us, they have taken it upon themselves to give bad reviews to authors whose books they have not even read, simply because of their association with us. We consider this to not only be rude and unbecoming of an author but for a human being in general.
Authors must understand that reviews are a matter of opinion, and even the most scathing of reviews merely reflect the views of the reader. Bad reviews should not be dismissed as trolling, and it is disrespectful of the process to make those accusations. When you receive a critical review, take it with a grain of salt, the sentiments expressed are just that, sentiments, and they cannot hurt you any more than the words from which they are made. If you receive quite a few bad reviews, then take into consideration the feedback you have been given to improve, but whatever you do, do not interact with your reviews at all, and never resort to name calling and revenge tactics that can only open you up to more criticism in the future. One thing readers loathe more than a bad book is a bad author. That’s our two cents, cheers folks!